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Torbjørn Bull Jensen, Vetle Lunde and David Zimmermann from K33
Morten Myrstad, Kaupr, Moderator
K33 og K33 Research er anerkjent både i Norge og internasjonalt som et av de mest kunnskapsrike miljøene på krypto og Bitcoin. Vi har derfor samlet tre av K33 sine ressurser, Torbjørn Bull Jenssen, Vetle Andreas Lunde og David Zimmermann, til en samtale, en måned inn i 4. kvartal, under overskriften "State of Crypto". Samtalen ledes av Morten Myrstad fra Kaupr.
K33 is a research-led brokerage providing investment services. Founded by Torbjørn Bull Jenssen and operating out of Norway, K33 works tirelessly to offer clients the insights and tools needed to safely invest, trade, and save in cryptocurrencies. K33 Research understands the digital assets industry, from short-term market signals to long-term fundamentals. K33 is fully owned by Arcario AB (ARCA)
Arcario is a community-powered, value-driven Web3 venture builder, originating from Scandinavian roots and extending its influence worldwide. A collective of operators, founders, and investors work hand in hand to foster the growth of pioneering tech startups in the digital assets domain. Arcario is dedicated to shaping the future of finance for generations to come. Arcario AB is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
Kaupr AS is a Nordic media startup that disseminates news and insights about Web3 and related topics across various platforms and in various formats. In 2022, Kaupr launched kaupr.io as a site for news and insights. In October 2024, Kaupr is scaling up its content hub on Webflow. Unleash, an event brand owned by Kaupr, organized a large conference in 2023 and Crypto Adoption Week in April 2024, together with K33 and EY.