Kaupr / Kalender / Kalender Arkiv / Oslo Blockchain Meetup

Oslo Blockchain Meetup

Organizer: Oslo Blockchain Meetup Group

When: 30. august 2023, 18:00 - 20:00

Where: Rebel, Oslo

About the event

It's time for our next Meetup in the final days of summer!

This time we'll be at Rebel, in the room called "Finn". This is close to "Skråplanet" where we will be able to buy beer and so on.

This will be a social event, a place to meet like-minded people and discuss interesting topics.



The topic of the evening is Federated Learning:

Disrupting Collaborative AI: The Public Blockchain and IPv6 as Catalysts for Monetizing AI Model Updates and Creating New Revenue Streams.

In this presentation, Stephan Nilsson CEO & co-founder of UNISOT, delves into the concept of Federated Learning, explores how the Public Blockchain and IPv6 enhance it, and highlights the pivotal role of nano transactions in fostering economic incentives for sharing AI learning models.

More information

Here you can find the event page